Week 4 Lane Lines

Myra Brauner
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Welcome to the 2023 Week 4 Lane Lines Newsletter!

Our Lane Lines Newsletters are sent weekly throughout the Summer to keep you up to date on all the team happenings—both on and off the deck! If you didn't get a copy of this in your email, please verify your contact info through your account on the team website to make sure you receive your Lane Lines and other important info throughout the season.

This is IMPORTANT information so please read through to the END! If you have difficulty viewing this in your email browser please go directly to our NEWS page: Lane Lines

 Coach's MEDLEY - swim notes from Coach Kelly
Another great turn out for Saturday's First Home Meet, MO Magicians!
Our Fourth win of the season!
The final score was MO 571 -- SW 498
Want more details? Here are the Full Results for MO vs SW

I am really excited about the win this past Saturday. We have reached the time in the season where we should be setting goals about specific items we have been given feedback on at practice and meets. These goals can be time or skill based (or both). To help us achieve our goals I am creating a meet challenge for this Saturday's meet. Each swimmer will pick up a meet challenge card before the start of the meet and once completed they will turn in their cards to Coach Kelly. All of the cards submitted will be entered in a bin for a raffle for an extra special prize(s). The raffle will take place at the end of the meet so stay tuned to our social media for the winners.

If a swimmer has not picked up their team shirt please reach out to your coaches at practice. They are now at the pool. We are also doing great with the MO caps but not at 100%, if you still need one find Coach Kelly

Attention: I have a list of coaches that are available for private lessons! I have had a few families reach out asking for a little extra help, feel free to: email me if this is something you might be interested in.

- Kelly

Swim Stars of the Week
Each week our coaches choose a boy and girl swimmer in each age group that displayed something extra special during that week...it could be awesome sportsmanship, taking on a new challenge, staying super focused during practice, an impressive swim at the meet, an exceptionally sunny attitude, or anything else that represented MO especially well. Check out their picks for this week here: Swim Stars
DEEP DIVE: Notes from Coach Jan

This past Friday was our first home meet! Everyone did very well and I'm especially excited of the progress we showed this week in mental fortitude and in competing new dives! We had a lot of fun working on newer skills this week, many of which were competed on Friday in an environment in which the athletes were comfortable with, being our own boards! 

Goodman is a pretty small team with only a couple divers, but they had some really strong talent that I could tell pushed the MO divers to perform their best! Even if everyone didn't have a killer PR score, there was a lot of great diving!

Another home meet this coming week with Shorewood coming to Monona, and I'm hoping for some great progress and a lot of fun this week!

If any of the athletes or parents would like the dive sheets from any of the past meets, feel free to ask me at practice and I can get them for you! It can be a good way to keep track of progress over time and set individual goals!

See our Podium Finishes

- Jan


Thank you to everyone who came out for Game Night on Saturday. It was a hot one but the kids had fun and we raised $278 for the Phillips Family!  

We’re blown away by the support for Second Harvest!! Last year we finished last in the league, but we are on our way to CRUSH last year’s total. We have already raised $950. Thank you so much!!

Next up for bid...an AUCTION!! Going once, twice, SOLD! (Shhhhh it's silent.)

There are gift cards for Waypoint Public House, Forage Kitchen, Salvatore’s Tomato Pies, or Buck & Honey’s for the parents. For the swimmers & divers, you could be the coach! Bid on the right to coach your group for a day. (within reason, of course.) AND MORE!!

Our online auction is open and closes July 8. All proceeds go to Second Harvest Make sure to check out all the items and experiences at our silent auction. HAPPY BIDDING!

Coming soon:

  • Penny Wars - July 11-14th - All proceeds will benefit Second Harvest.  
  • Ian's Doughnation (Share Night) - July 19th - Enjoy a pizza from Ian's and part of the proceeds from will benefit MO Swim and Dive/Second Harvest. Look for more information on how to participate in your family's mailbox at the pool soon. Note that you have to use the pamphlet provided to get credit for participating.



  • Friday, June 30th
  • 5:00-7:30pm
  • Warm Ups from 3:00 to 4:00pm


  • Saturday, JULY 1ST
  • 8:00am-12:00pm
  • Warm Up Times TBA




Julie Elfers Photography logo
Julie Elfers Photography

Julie put together a gallery of some great action shots from this weekends SWIM and DIVE meets. Pictures are purchasable through the website. Part of the proceeds will benefit Second Harvest!

Images can be accessed by visiting the photo gallery and entering access code PGCC39776 or families can text access code PGCC39776 to 90738

Swim and Dive images are tagged and searchable with the tags: "Swim Vs SW Home" & "Dive Vs Goodman Home". Click on "Find Your Photos - Tags" to sort out the swim pics from the dive pics.

Any and all questions please reach out to Julie directly.

Jalbert Productions Logocompetitive youth swimmer performing breaststroke while head is appearing out of water taking a breath
Jalbert Productions

Andy of Jalbert Productions will be at practice on Friday June 30 to shoot some underwater photos! Everyone will get a chance to pose for a picture taken from under the water. Andy will make the shots available for purchase and offer a portion of the proceeds to support Second Harvest. Check out our Facebook page for examples of his work from the Shorewood meet.

Thanks to Julie & Andy for their support of MO!

Chlorine Corner (misc. information)

A BIG THANKS! to everyone who stepped up and donated to concessions this week. Concessions sales are a big part of the team's operating budget and we're very thankful for all the support and donations.

All City Swim

  • Here's the latest All City Newsletter  There you can purchase your ground graphics, a fun way to recognize your athlete at All City.  Deadline Wednesday July 5th.  Plus purchase premiere parking!
  • Thank you to all of those that have volunteered to be a part of The All City Swim Meet!!  We are still looking for a few clerk of course volunteers.  
  • Coming soon - Info regarding All City Dive

Volunteer Points

  • We have heard from several of you looking for ways to earn your volunteer points.  We have added spots to the next two home meets and there will be additional spots for non meet help as the season goes on.  Please continue to reach out if you are looking to help!

We are looking for the following positions!

  • Social Chair for 2024 Season - We would like to thank Whitney Laufenberg for being our Socials Chair for the past few seasons!  She is stepping away from the position so we are looking for someone who would take over for next season.  
  • A timer coordinator - We are in need of a timer coordinator to take over this season.  
  • Please contact: Rob Beuthling if you are interested!
Thank you sponsors!
Jalbert Productions Logo Julie Elfers Photography logo
Newsletters are sent weekly throughout the summer season to keep you up to date on all the team happenings on and off the pool deck. Didn't get a copy of this in your email? Verify your contact info on the MO website to make sure you receive these newsletters and other important team information.