Week 3 Lane Lines

Myra Brauner
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Welcome to the 2023 Week 3 Lane Lines Newsletter! Our Lane Lines Newsletters are sent weekly throughout the Summer to keep you up to date on all the team happenings—both on and off the deck! If you didn't get a copy of this in your email, please verify your contact info through your account on the team website to make sure you receive your Lane Lines and other important info throughout the season.  IMPORTANT information so please read through to the END! If you have difficulty viewing this in your email browser please go directly to our NEWS page: Lane Lines
 Coach's MEDLEY - swim notes from Coach Kelly
Great turn out for Saturday's Meet, MO Magicians!
Our third win of the season!
The final score was MO 695 -- GM 309
Want more details? Here are the Full Results for MO at GM
Excellent work at the Goodman pool. We saw a lot of skill improvement and best times. I especially appreciated having such a large crowd for our team cheers, got us off on the right foot. Please remember to wear your MO cap for competitions, it can be a challenge when there are a lot of our swimmers in the water to identify our swimmers for times. If you still need a cap please find me on deck and you can purchase one for $10. Thank you for your help with this.
If you have not participated in a meet yet I am going to encourage you to sign up for this Saturdays home meet. It is always easier to learn the ropes when we have home pool advantage.
Finally, I want to encourage positive talk between our swimmers and with our competition. I understand that sometimes we can get a little excited for our races but MO Magicians ALWAYS speak kindly to others and represent the team well. This is something we are going to focus on for our upcoming meet.
Attention: I have a list of coaches that are available for private lessons! I have had a few families reach out asking for a little extra help, feel free to: email me if this is something you might be interested in.
- Kelly
Swim Stars of the Week
Each week our coaches choose a boy and girl swimmer in each age group that displayed something extra special during that week...it could be awesome sportsmanship, taking on a new challenge, staying super focused during practice, an impressive swim at the meet, an exceptionally sunny attitude, or anything else that represented MO especially well. Check out their picks for this week here: Swim Stars
DEEP DIVE: Notes from Coach Jan
High Point was a blast!! Super proud of all of the kids that went and hit their dives this Friday!!
Lots of personal best performances and some great experience going against one of the bigger dive teams we will face! A lot of really strong character moments as well with powering through adversity and dealing with unexpected challenges!
Super proud of the group this week!  The weather wasn't fantastic, but we persevered in the cold and rain and still got our dives and are making fantastic progress on new skills!  Several divers competed at least one new dive this meet!  This is really exciting to me as we are so early in the season, yet people are showing up ready to learn and fired up about learning new skills and making their improvements, big or small!
FANTASTIC week everyone!!
Next week, the weather should be gorgeous and I am excited to get to work
See attached for Podium Finishes
- Jan
ATTENTION MO FAMILIES:   If you are interested in improving your diving skills or have a family member insterested in learning how to dive lessons are now available.
  • Both private and group are now available through Monona Parks and Rec.  Sign up here! DIVE LESSONS
It's A Social Thing


On June 24th from 4-6pm we will be introducing MO Swim and Dive’s first ever GAME NIGHT!  We hope you can join us!! Details are below.  Sign up here GAME NIGHT.  We will need a few parent volunteers to help us run the games.  There is a job signup within the event sign up page.  This will count towards volunteer points.  Thanks in advance.

  • Outdoor GAME NIGHT (some prizes will be awarded!)
  • Maywood Park in Monona
  • 5618 Winnequah Rd
  • We will be selling Pizza, Icy pops and Drinks!
    • Pizza $2 per slice
    • Icy Pops 2/$1
    • Capri Sun $1ea.

We will need a few parent volunteers to help with set up and running the games.  A job sign up has been created in the event sign up section. This will count toward volunteer points needed!

Money raised by the Game Night will go towards The Phillips Family Fire Recovery Fund. The Phillips sufferred a devastating home fire recently. Their daughter Violet is new to MO this season but they have been a part of the Monona and Madison communities for many years. Lets show them all the love and support we can from the Monona SWIM & DIVE community!!

To donate suppiles for the game night, use this Amazon WISH LIST or click here to DONATE MONEY towards the game night.  We will provide further options to donate to The Phillips family at Game Night.  

Coming up... Penny Wars in July!



Volunteer slots look good for the meets this week!  THANK YOU MO Swim and DIVE Families!  We are still looking for somone to score the Dive meet and Officials!  Reminders for the Dive meet will go out on Thursday afternoon and Swim meet on Friday afternoon.


  • Friday, June 23th
  • 5:00-7:30pm
  • Warm Up at Away Meets are always from 4:00 to 5:00pm


  • Saturday, June 24th
  • 8:00am-12:00pm
  • Warm Up Times TBA




Donate to concessions!

  • We could not make a successful swim meet happen without the help of our MO Swim families.  This Saturday we are hosting our first home meet of the year.  We are in need of donations for our concession stand.  A sign up genius has been created.  Use the big button below to donate to concessions.


We need some logistics assistance!

We need someone to pick up donuts and buns from Pick N' Save in McFarland (only a 12 minute drive from the pool) at 6 AM on Saturday monring.  Unfortunately the donut fryer at the Metro Market in Monona is broken, and has been for a month, with no word on when the part will arrive to fix it.  This was our best, affordable option for donuts. Please let Dana and Wendy know if you are able to pick up donuts/buns!


Please bring food donations to practice this week. This drive is about more than just raising money, collecting food or volunteering. It is about creating connections and understanding WHY we do these things. These are two resources that can assist families in talking about hunger.

FOR LITTLE KIDS: Story Corner: "Lulu and the Hunger Monster" for Food Bank Day (YouTube video)

FOR OLDER KIDS: Child Food Insecurity Report on NBC Nightly News: Kids Edition

Be sure to arrive early to practice this week on Thursday and Friday and help us decorate our donation barrel. Either bring a drawing, painting, sketch, or other artwork of our mascot—the MO Magician—or color one at practice. Art supplies will be provided. Let’s show our MO Magician spirit!

Chuck-a-Duck Returns Saturday!

Swimmers (and parents and sibs) pay $2 to take their shot at throwing a little rubber duck from the pool deck into a ring floating in the middle of the pool. Or, you can increase your chances and throw 3 ducks for just $5! Bring your cash! Winners take HALF the pot, and the rest goes directly to our Second Harvest Fundraising Drive. Stop by the Second Harvest table (next to the awards table) to participate!

Chlorine Corner (misc. information)

Looking for All City Swim Meet VOLUNTEERS! 

  • Every year each team is tasked with sending volunteers to help run the All City Swim Meet.  To those of you new to the All City League or new to the All City Swim meets, they couldn't happen without the help of VOLUNTEERS!  Sign up is now available for the All City Swim meet taking place on July 27th, 28th and 29th. Please consider helping out with this amazing event.  Sign up is for Clerk of Course and Timers.  Each volunteer position will be 2 points, which will fullfill the family requirement to remain in good standing for next years registration.  Sign up here: ALL CITY.
  • MO has 15 spots to fill and as of today we only have 4 of them fulfilled. Let's come together and support these athletes as they compete in one of the largest outdoor amateur meets in the country that brings together over 2,000 competitors from across the greater Madison area.

We are looking for the following positions!

  • Social Chair for 2024 Season - We would like to thank Whitney Laughenberg for being our Socials Chair for the past few seasons!  She is stepping away from the position so we are looking for someone who would take over for next season.  
  • A timer coordinator - We are in need of a timer coordinator to take over this season.  
  • Best Time Pins - This position would be helping to get best time pins completed for the swim team.  Currently this job is being done by Jen Kahl (thank you!) and she will do them for the first four meets.  We will need someone to take over the last 4 meets of the season.
  • Please contact: Rob Beuthling if you are interested!

​Clothing update:

  • All clothing has been distributed.
  • Team t-shirts are at the pool.  If you have not received your team t-shirt please see your coach.  

Sponsorship - Spread the Word!

  • This past week we sent out information regarding our new sponsorship program.  If you or someone you know would be interested please fill out this brief Sponsorship Interest Survey.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss further, please feel free to contact: Chris Remington