Week 2 Lane Lines

Myra Brauner
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Welcome to the 2023 Week 2 Lane Lines Newsletter! Our Lane Lines Newsletters are sent weekly throughout the Summer to keep you up to date on all the team happenings—both on and off the deck! If you didn't get a copy of this in your email, please verify your contact info through your account on the team website to make sure you receive your Lane Lines and other important info throughout the season.  IMPORTANT information so please read through to the END!
 Coach's MEDLEY - swim notes from Coach Kelly
Awesome job at Saturday's Meet, MO Magicians!
Our first win of the Season!
The final score was MO 667 and WS 231, MO 512 HP 476
Want more details? Here are the Full Results for MOvsWSvsHP
Notes about the meet: I'm thrilled with our big win against High Point and West Side pools.  I'm equally excited about the camaraderie and team spirit I witnessed throughout the meet.  Some swimmers tried new events, some swimmers competed in their first ever swim meet, and some of our seasoned athletes showed us how it was done.  All in all I'm proud of our representation on deck and in the water.  We will only improve from here and this meet serves as a great baseline for future swims.  
Reminders: No watches can be worn during swim meets.  The officials gave us a warning this meet but we need to be careful in the future.  
If you need a MO cap please see me at practice.  I will have team caps for $10 available.  
Please notify me if you do not have a folder in the mailbox or haven't received your swim buddy information.  If you haven't shared a note or special item with your buddy yet I'm going to encourage you to give it a go this week.  
- Kelly
Swim Stars of the Week
Each week our coaches choose a boy and girl swimmer in each age group that displayed something extra special during that week...it could be awesome sportsmanship, taking on a new challenge, staying super focused during practice, an impressive swim at the meet, an exceptionally sunny attitude, or anything else that represented MO especially well. Check out their picks for this week here: Swim Stars
DEEP DIVE: Notes from Coach Jan
Week 2 went great!  Really happy with the work that the preseason kids put in and there is a lot of growth in the right direction!  Super excited to get into the doubles schedule adn get the consistency of practices up!
The meet went great!  super proud of the team and parents for bearing with the hiccups and difficulties that come wiht the first meet of a season, but we came out on top of the experience and we had a lot of fun in the process! 
I will be getting the dive sheets sometime this week hopefully, so kids can ask me if they want to see or keep them!
Next week we are planning on getting dive lists set up in the practice sessions of Wednesday, so there is an emphasis on showing up especially to those sessions so we can make the meet experience on friday as smooth as possible!
Thanks so much for a great week!
ATTENTION MO FAMILIES:   If you are interested in improving your diving skills or have a family member insterested in learning how to dive lessons are now available.
  • Both private and group are now available through Monona Parks and Rec.  Sign up here! DIVE LESSONS
It's A Social Thing


On June 24th from 4-6pm we will be introducing MO Swim and Dive’s first ever GAME NIGHT!  We hope you can join us!! Details are below.  Sign up here GAME NIGHT.  We will need a few parent volunteers to help us run the games.  There is a job signup withing the event sign up page.  This will count towards volunteer points.  Thanks in advance.

Outdoor GAME NIGHT (some prizes will be awarded!)

Maywood Park in Monona

5618 Winnequah Rd

We will be selling Pizza, Icy pops and Drinks!

Pizza $2 per slice

Icy Pops 2/$1

Capri Sun $1ea.

We will need a few parent volunteers to help with set up and running the games.  A job sign up has been created in the event sign up section.  This will count toward volunteer points needed!  
** NEW INFO** 
Money raised by the Game Night will NOW go towards  The Phillips Family Fire Recovery Fund .   The Phillips suffurred a devistating home fire recently.   Their daughter Violet is new to MO  this season but they  have been a part of the Monona and Madison Community for many years.   Lets show them all the love and support we can from the Monona SWIM & DIVE community!!         

Click here for the Amazon WISH LIST OR Click here to DONATE MONEY towards the game night.  We will provide further options to donate to The Phillips family at Game Night.  

Thank you to everyone who joined us for at the Pool Party Saturday night.  The kids had a blast and got to enjoy some Kona Ice treats!

Coming up... Penny Wars in July!




  • Friday, June 16th
  • 5:00-7:30pm
  • Warm Up at Away Meets are always from 4:00 to 5:00pm


  • Saturday, June 17th
  • 8:00am-12:00pm
  • Warm Up Times TBA




We’re off to a great start to our Second Harvest fundraising campaign!

We raised $150 and collected 21 pounds of food at the pool party!  Thank you so much!

MO needs your help! We are seeking donations for a fundraising auction. Can you help by donating an item or experience? 

  • Event tickets? Concerts. Sports. Theater.
  • Lessons? Music. Photography. Tennis. Pickleball. Cooking.
  • Art? Yours. Your family’s. Your favorite artist.
  • Service? Mow lawns. Photoshoot. Baking. 
  • Products or gift cards? 

Let us know how you can help by filling out this FORM with information about your donation. Can't donate to the auction-donate directly to our campaign. Follow this LINK to MO's Second Harvest donation page.

Our donation barrel arrives tomorrow, look for an announcement regarding decorating the barrel!

Also, we'd love for you to bring food donations to fill up our barrels! Here is a list of the most needed non-perishable items. Let’s keep fighting hunger in Southern Wisconsin!
Chlorine Corner (misc. information)

Looking for All City Swim Meet VOLUNTEERS!

  • Every year each team is tasked with sending volunteers to help run the All City Swim Meet.  To those of you new to the All City League or new to the All City Swim meets, they couldn't happen without the help of VOLUNTEERS!  Sign up is now available for the All City Swim meet taking place on July 27th, 28th and 29th.  Please consider helping out with this amazing event.  Sign up is for Clerk of Course and Timers.  Each volunteer position will be 2 points, which will fullfill the family requirement to remain in good standing for next years registration.  Sign up here: ALL CITY.

Calling all those who are interested in being an official!

  • It takes a lot of helping hands to run a swim meet, and our young swimmers can’t get times without the involvement of many volunteers. And who has the best view of the action? OfficialsOfficiating is fun and not difficult to learn. It’s a great way to help out MO! Additionally, MO has been fortunate to have had a great crew of officials helping at every meet. For several, this will be their final year. We need folks just like you to step up and contribute! Note that officiating does count towards the volunteer requirements. AND, you do NOT need to have USA certification to officiate in the summer All City League.  If you were unable able to attend the Sunday training and are considering becoming an official please reach out to Brian Johnson.
  • Please consider following our Facebook page. Announcements and fun things are posted there regularly. Also please feel free to share any photos captured during the swim and dive meets as well as social events.