2024 Apparel Information 
Monona Swim & Dive Suit Fit Night April 18th 4-6pm  

Join us at Simply Swimming on April 18th from 4-6pm for suit fit night. Sign up here. You may stop by Simply Swimming anytime during their business hours after this date but they do not guarantee availability of staff assistance.  

Simply Swimming at 6649 University Ave in Middleton

Simply Swimming representatives will be available to assist in the fitting. You must wear a current suit to keep on while trying on the new suit. Because of limited space and capacity, wearing a suit will make the process much faster for all involved.

You'll be able to try on different sizes and styles of our Team Suit so you'll know your exact fit and you can purchase goggles, caps, and any other gear you might need for the season.  There will be a rack of your teams apparel to try on for sizing.

We encourage the swimmers and divers to get a team suit, but using past years suit is fine as well.  For ALL SWIMMERS Coach Kelly would like them to at least have the TEAM CAP, this helps her to be able to identify her swimmers at meets throughout the season.  


Apparel orders have closed.  

Apparel distribution begins May 30th.  Further details will be provided closer to that date

When checking out please make sure you enter both your billing and shipping address.  Our system requires both to process your order.  After checkout you should receive an e-mail confirming your purchase (it may end up in your junk e-mail).  If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation please contact us to make sure your order processed in case your credit card declines or your billing address doesn't match correctly the order will not process and you may not receive an error message via our website.  

This is a team distribution; if you would like your order shpped directly to your home please select shipping at checkout!

If you have any questions or problems with the website, please contact us either by e-mail (Simply Swimming) or phone (608-836-6649).  Simply swimming is happy to help however they can.